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Blockchain Transaction Record

The Worst Thing That Can Happen to the Human Species, is Happening – Dr. Naomi Wolf is Available for Interview

In this powerful summary of the Covid years - target – truth teller - concerned citizen Dr. Naomi Wolf reports on the newly discovered harms to reproductive health caused by Covid vaccines and the apparent collusion between big tech / big gov / big pharma and the legacy press apparatus who censor and silence her.

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Moving the Source of Truth to the blockchain improves transparency and increases trust between organizations submitting news and readers.

Key Takeaways (TLDR)

  • Dr. Naomi Wolf released new information on her Substack regarding the harm caused by Pfizer's mRNA vaccines on human reproduction.
  • The mainstream media and government agencies are not addressing the crisis faced by women and are censoring evidence.
  • PEG is entering breast milk and making newborns unwell, causing symptoms like increased sleepiness and fussiness.
Transaction ID0x22956b71aba9c76aba2e59165eaf98138533155c2d32b23a4f18861b743a9423
Contract Address0xbCeAa38040FA0E95F0bB1A55135a41190630b17D
NWAI Digital Fingerprint322-cc727f2d623f50e2b11c1ae52310c91a
Registration Timestamp2023-08-22T02:01:05+00:00

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